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The Pictures from Iraq articles There are no reasons for what a portion of our soliders have done; a life is an actual existence regardle...

Friday, December 27, 2019

Military Commissions Act of 2006 How Should Detainees Be...

Guantanamo Bay in Cuba houses some of the most dangerous people. The people being held have ranged in committing various crimes. What makes Guantanamo Bay well known is how the time period a detainee has spent in prison without a trial. While in prison for an extensive period of time, a detainee is bound to receive discipline for not following the guards. There are often a variety of different methods that the guards use to teach discipline to the detainees. All who follow Guantanamo Bay as institution often criticizes the measures taken. What makes Guantanamo Bay an ironic place to start this journey is because Guantanamo Bay is at the center of attention to a very important, controversial law passed in 2006. The controversial law was†¦show more content†¦By passing the Military Commissions Act of 2006, the person in control of all decisions would be the President. â€Å" They also gave the president absolute power to designate enemy combatants, and to set his own definiti ons for torture† (Military Commissions). If someone were to identify the players who were deemed responsible for this act to pass, that someone would most likely identify President Bush and Congress. These central figures wanted to take the extra step in keeping the United States protected from any additional acts of terrorism. With what is stated in the Military Commissions Act of 2006 and those who stressed for the passage of the act, mixed messages are sent. President Bush, at the time, believed in less harm and more protection for the United States due to the extenuating circumstances. By creating a law that gives the President absolute authority and leaving no room for improvement, how was the United States going to look like? What it going to be looked at as a weak country with no control of power? The other player involved, Congress, was weak on its part. By allowing this act to pass with authority give to the President, this law was interpreted as unconstitutional and violated the rights of the judicial branch and ultimately the supreme law of the land, The Constitution. How the judicial branch got involved in this matter was based upon its given rights ofShow MoreRelatedInhuman Enhanced Interrogation Techniques1564 Words   |  7 Pagestorturing someone without leaving a mark. These techniques include â€Å"waterboarding†, submersion in water or dousing to produce the sensation of drowning, and denying food, water or sleep for days or weeks on end. 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The detainees held at the facility have to and had to face many challenges. The government took away their human rights and treats these detainees very harshly. Currently, there are still detainees held at Guantà ¡namo bay. However, some actions have occurred to stop these inhumane actions, but there have not been enough to close the facility down. Interrogation Techniques Detainees held at Guantanamo bay are all interrogated and later classifiedRead MoreGuantanamo Bay At The Southeastern Tip Of Cuba2299 Words   |  10 Pagesestablish a detention facility in a secure and isolated location eliminating any chance the detainees could escape and return back to their countries. In addition, Guantanamo Bay allowed the U.S. to avoid bringing those individuals suspected of terrorism from entering domestic soil. As of today, Guantanamo Bay only holds 80 detainees. 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